The true measure of a man is how he treats
The true measure of a man is how he treats

He knew that all of the Scriptures spoke of Him (Luke 4:16-21) and that it was written to Him (see this and this). He not only knew what the Bible said, He had a perfect understanding of what every part of it meant. At every point in the Gospel-narratives, Jesus appealed to the Scriptures, prayed the Scriptures, preached the Scriptures, taught the Scriptures and confronted and corrected with the Scriptures. If there is one thing that is evident about Christ it is that He was Scripture-saturated. However, as man, He is the truth-loving second Adam. As God the Son, He is the only who could rightly say, “I am the Truth.” He is the true revelation of the true and living God–namely, God manifest in the flesh. Jesus is, first and foremost, a man of truth. What we discover when we look at Jesus in the pages of Scripture helps us understand, and appropriate into our own lives, the measure of a man:Ī man of truth. The picture that God gives us of the measure of a man is that of Jesus–with all of His sinless human perfection, united to the Divine nature of the Son of God. Right? However, when we turn to the Scriptures, the picture that God has given us about what it means to be a man is entirely different and far more dynamic than that which most of us would expect. Others would unhesitatingly appeal to the studious and successful man–the doctor, the lawyer, the CEO or the engineer. The industry has changed over the last few years and there has been tremendous pressure to reduce research and development costs that has resulted in a tremendous shift away from high-volume, low-cost medicines toward seeking a billion- dollar drug that treats a very, very small population.If asked what it means to be a man, many would naturally point to the MMA fighter, to one of the grizzly members of the show “Deadliest Catch” or to some extraordinarily gifted athlete. And that's something none of us should be willing to tolerate. The current regime treats Supreme Court nominees more like piñatas than human beings. At some point, however, we as a committee will need to come to terms with our confirmation process. I'm also sorry that his family had to be subjected to them, as well.

the true measure of a man is how he treats

I'm happy Judge Alito survived these unwarranted attacks. Nobody wants to be the school that treats people poorly, especially sexual assault survivors, we all have a role to play.

the true measure of a man is how he treats

Your values of love, charity and faith built this nation, how can it be that our media treats people of faith so poorly? One of the reasons is that our politicians have abandoned you to a large extent, and Hillary Clinton? You can forget about her. Our diverse community treats immigrants with dignity and respect the Administration should do the same, that starts with a thoughtful plan rather than a rash decision apparently made by some in the Administration without any consultation with the rest of the government.

The true measure of a man is how he treats